Thursday, May 02, 2024

fight your own battle


The other races

Don't always dream of assistance

The decades gone in their eyes

Only one race always gets it all

Even the politicians know it

They will show concern and brush a little

Letting go the major issues at hand

They don't want to cause disagreement

It is for themselves

The power of posts and benefits

Only when time comes

They will talk a bit more

The other races

Find your own niche and grow

Don't feel sad with sorrow

Find the opportunities and flourish

The world isn't ruled by majority

It is ruled by the power of the brain

Once you get your juices flowing

You will be recognized for your talent

don't take it too personal


Don't you bad mouth

Your former party or company

It will not help you to grow

It shows you have bitterness in your head

A company employee or politician

You were given a post and a chance to shine

Along the way you may make some bad calls

Ultimately you are to let go

Don't take it too personal

Learn to accept the fate you are in

Don't swallow too long in sorrow

You will lose many calls along the way

Revenge shouldn't be the call

Don't let the cortisol take you off

Let the tears fall for a while

Life is always hard any which way you look

truth or lie?


Truth or lie?

A simple statement will suffice

Why go on the intimidation?

Using power to close the gate?

Truth or lie?

Don't drag on it

The rumors will spread

The grapevine will rock

Catching critics on Sedition

It isn't the way to go in our nation

It is like back to the old regime

Intimidation to control the critics

Truth or lie?

No need to hide

Tell the truth

Is that hard to say?

power in the wrong hand


Power in the wrong hand

The pain and sorrow will flame

Lighting it up in the brain

Causing the fear down to the low

Criticisms will not be tolerated

A leader can't stand on the bad news

Cruising through his eyes or mind

He wants to show off his power

Power in the wrong hand

The alarm bell will ring

Like the twister causing pain

As freedom is curtailed or controlled

The throw back to the old regime

As power moves in the wrong hand

A leader must always remember

It is only for a time and isn't forever

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

job hopping must have a good reason


Hopping from job to job

hoping to get better pay

Losing the years in the company

Cultivating new block back to low order

Those in the top bracket

They may think they don't lose

Better pay and perks in tow

Every one will bow down

Without friendship and support

The years will be filled to watch out

Any wrong move will result

In his removal play out in the market

You only hop from job to job

If you find you are stagnant or in cold storage

Staying there will not bring any benefits

It is time to move without regrets

salary hike 13% deadwood smile


The civil servants deadwood

They must be smiling on Labour Day

The salary hike of 13% in civil servants pay

The highest in the nation history

What's Renaissance man trying to show?

Pandering to his race to win votes?

He has gotten it wrong in his move

The public will not be singing

He has to understand

Respect is earned

It isn't by showing gifts

His administration in misfit

All the promises

Still harboring on anchor

Maybe we need to be patient

Something good will be on the way

So much hope on Renaissance man

His credibility is wearing thin on the months go

He may have lost his Non-Malay support

On his own race he may not get many

He better reverses gear

Listen to the ground with his ears

Watch out of the stories unfold

Putting his bearing right will help him to flow

majority never says it can win


In majority

It never says it can win

Though good in numbers

On paper it will show

In large numbers

The majority can show muscles

Flex its superiority in every way

Believing no minority dares to challenge

In history it has shown

It isn't true in war on the borders

France and US lost the wars in Vietnam

The Middle East countries lost to Israel

Even Mongolia could conquer China

Spread her wings ruled it for a few centuries

Japan could fight her way in Asia

It is the confidence of invincibility

The minority shouldn't be cowed in retreat

Use the brain power to build the ground

After all we are all humans

Death is always on the card

it isn't easy to get it going


Getting result in a partnership

It isn't easy to get it going

Every partner in the coalition

The feedback must be in majority

Renaissance man finds it difficult

Getting his way to get his promises done

The uphill battle to find agreement

For the laws to be amended

The unity government

The door of good and bad together

Finding a common ground to hit off

It will test the leader running the show

Renaissance man has his feedback

The going will be tough for him to go

He takes his time to study all options

By then he shows he is slow in response

Some of those laws

It required a simple majority

Yet Renaissance man still slow dance

When the music has changed tempo

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

shame on you


Shame on you

Afraid to say

The truth to save

The nation and people

In the court

Trying his best

To deny it all

Playing his games

The dribbling in court

Giving out the long narrative

Still the truth dares not say

Though the paper trails say it all

Shame on you

Better admit it now

Save your soul

Don't play the rock and roll

Macc on Perlis MB


Perlis MB

Facing an arrest by Macc

On his power abuse

On his son on-going investigation

The crocodile leaders

They still can't walk straight on the road

They still refuse to return to the swamp

They will feel much at home with it

It's leader says

Corruption isn't wrong in his religion

Only it isn't for the Non-Muslim

The drama of spin to taste his life

Macc must make it stick

It shouldn't go under NFA

Make sure AG doesn't fail

Macc should monitor AG too

MB of Perlis

His credibility will be dented

The pious religious man

In the wrong road to redemption

corruption in the country


Corruption in the country

It will take a couple more years

Before corruption will bite the dust

As of today it still holds the seat

Power and money

A powerful combination

Nobody wants to ignore it

They may want to grab it all

Renaissance man on his crusade

He should know it better in his times

Once he was in the government of the wolf party

He knew first hand the disease in its many forms

He spent years in prison

He even got a black eye

So he hasn't forgotten it

The crusade on corruption

Corruption in the country

Cases must be carried out effectively

Macc mustn't fail on its duty to the nation

Renaissance mustn't fail to get it done now

puff in religion


Puff in religion

It makes all seem easy

Floating in the mind

Nothing to worry

It can't go wrong

The scriptures say it

A long tale of 1001 nights

Vessel of 72 virgins

When we are reborn from death

We don't need the vessel of 72 virgins

Because our bodies will be formless

Floating endlessly in space and time

With over 2,000 years in history

Maybe we shouldn't think so far ahead

We may still be sleeping beauty through eternity

A cycle keeps repeating in every cycle

Puff in religion

We can dream and believe

In reality it may sound like 1001 nights

To each his own to take flight

the boycott


The boycott

It has the effect

On the chain outlets

Causing by the drama of fools

KFC closes 100 outlets

Citing costs increase and poor sales

Many customers refrain from going

Maybe trying to avoid trouble

It's the fear

Where some were threatened bodily harm

Some were even shouted at

Because of boycott initiated by the wolf party

This is the bird brain

Who is going to suffer loss of jobs?

The government will lose tax collection

All because of Israel warring on Hamas

The drama of fools

They don't see

They should go to Palestine

Fight with Israel

They shouldn't cause problem here

It is our own people are suffering

The government shouldn't think of support

Take care of own people and jobs